Wednesday, April 8, 2009

4/8/2009 Muse Abuse... or The mystery of the Wandering Muse!

Quote of the Day
"Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson helped spark the transcendentalist movement with the essay Nature, which described his belief in the spiritual essence of humanity and the natural world. He was born in Boston in 1803. He was a Unitarian minister until he resigned in 1832 to become a philosopher and writer. He suffered the untimely deaths of many of his loved ones: three brothers, his first wife at age 20, and his eldest son at age five. Emerson died in 1882.

I chose this quote today because I've been concerned about having seemingly lost my passion for the story I had been living and breathing for this past three years. It's dried up. Gonzo. Kaput!

Yesterday, in lamenting its apparent demise to a friend, I became confused over how it all started in the first place, and I referred back to my online novel journal to jog my memory. I read how the story so vividly came to life in my head, that it awoke me form my sleep and sent me running to my keyboard in the pre-dawn quiet. What an exciting, exhilarating, inspiring moment of enlightenment, and, yes, renewed passion I experienced while tip-toeing through the memories!

It was indeed passion that stirred the cup of inspiration on that warm summer evening back in 2006, and gave birth to Logan and Cassie et al. And it was indeed passion that caused them to quiet in my mind and appear to run off perhaps to take up residence with someone else's muse. Now, albeit faintly, I can hear them chuckling. "You shouldn't have taken us for granted. If you behave, we'll come back and tell you the rest of the story..."

I'm deciding... LOL


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