Friday, April 24, 2009

4/24/09 Need it / Got it!

WOW! Three powerful quotes have crossed my path today that are so pertinent to the intricacies of my daily life of late that I had to share them.

This first one is my favorite:
"Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments, but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures." – Joseph Addison

About Joseph Addison
English politician and writer Joseph Addison is remembered as a cofounder, along with his friend Richard Steele, of The Spectator, one of the first magazines to cover literature and manners. He was born in 1672 in Wiltshire. He spent four years traveling in Europe, studying politics and writing poetry, and became a Commissioner of Appeals on his return to England. His shyness made public office difficult. His most famous work is the play Cato, a tragedy about ancient Rome. He died in 1719.

Here's the second one:
"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living." --Joseph Campbell

This quote falls in with the thing everyone's mother told them: "Do what yo love, and you'll never work a day in your life."

Lucky me! I found it. I chose it. I do it well. And don't kid yourself; I work hard at it, but it's joyful work. Did you read that last sentence? It's joyful work, not the horrid, emotionally exhausting kind that beats one down and ages the spirit.

* * *

Life update:
After much soul-searching thought and input from my round table of girlfriends, (Barb, Judy, Maryann, and Andrea), I decided to take the full time position here in town and give up the part time one - uh, out of town. That way, I'll be assured of my weekly income with no worries or anxiety.

With my rainy day savings, I plan to pay off everything - well, except the Audi, of course. But I am going to refinance that puppy. Goodness, I can save half my monthy outlay on that every month and pay it off sooner if it suits me.

While I am working my cool new 8-to-5 hours (yippee) I plan to do my research and due diligence on this wonderful new business idea I have. If I can cross all the T's and dot all the I's well enough, I'll have it up and running in about six months time. Then I'll be able to work from anywhere in the world, and I'll begin my long over-due semi-retirement. WOOT!

My friends, Barb and Judy, want to partner up with me in the venture, so I need to give that thought - so far, it's looking like a win/win idea. I need to research that as well. But I've always enjoyed research, so I'm having fun with it.

Just in case none of this pans out, I, uh, purchased a lottery ticket. The mega millions this week is 150 million dollars. I figure, after I win it, I can take as long as I like to make any more decisions. Hahahahaha!

I wonder if my old friend, Jeanne, has a garden with her new digs. It's spring in Jersey just now, and the balmy air wafts like angel whispers across the face carrying a delicate blend of magnolia and azalea mixed with the refreshing hint of spring rain. Yellow and white daffodils and pink and lavender hyacinth are about to make way for the rainbow of tulips we planted two years ago. The yard is awash with pastel petals blown from the magnolias and azaleas. Buds have begun to yawn and stretch and peer out from their hiding places on the branches of the dogwood that shades the deck and lilacs are following suit in the garden below.

*sigh* I'm going to go out and sit on the deck and do some writing.

More later.

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