Monday, March 2, 2009

The Way Things Are, Cliches and All! 3/2/09

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference." – Virginia Satir

Okay, so we've made a mess of it...

The bottom line, when all is said and done, is this: the material goods we'll have won or lost won't matter. How we handled it all is what will be remembered. Did we pull together and roll up our sleeves with the pro-active, go-get-'em determination that has always made America great, or did we merely survive? Did we crumble and whine our way through the hard times, or did we stand tall, take ownership of our misdeeds, flex our shoulders, crack our collective knuckles, and straighten it out?

This is the example, the legacy, the history! The make-it-or-break-it we are preparing to leave our children.

Rather than stumble around in the dark while we wait for someone else to shine the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, I suggest we become the light shinning from within the tunnel! I mean, why wait until the end for illumination; that's hindsight! It's also bullshit! We know where we are, and we know how we got here!. Who better, then, to know (and show) the way out! Let's pick up the lemons we've dropped and make thirst-quenching lemonade worth savoring.

Let's embrace this adventure with utter disregard for its inconvenience! Let's rub our hands together and ride it like the roller coaster it is! We'll come out of it stronger and closer as a nation than we'd ever imagined we could! More importantly, we'll present our children and their children's children with a sense of pride that will empower them to soar at levels we cannot now fathom!

Remembering childhood friends, twins, Guy & Bruce Kennedy...

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