Thursday, September 27, 2007


I saw this challenge on a blog:
Write between 75 and 100 things that make you who you are. The idea is not mine, but the list is.

1. I am ridiculously organized.
2. I love good books.
3. I love visiting and making memories of new places.
4. I love helping.
5. I love children.
6. I am still hopelessly in love with my high school sweetheart.
7. I'm convinced I have several very interesting, fun people living inside my head!
8. I love the way I feel after I have forced myself to exercise.
9. I love the ocean.
10. Rivers frighten me.
11. I love to travel.
12. From the first moment I saw him, I cry inexplicably at the sight of Ian McKellen.
13. I have been told that Ian McKellen was profoundly significant to me in another life.
14. I am a firm believer in "favorites" and "bests."
15. I am naturally ambidextrous.
16. I am an old hippie.
17. I am terrified of being homeless.
18. Having a clean house is very important to me.
19. I love my name.
20. I am not competitive when playing games but will do anything to prolong the fun.
21. "Steak and salad" is my favorite meal.
22. I love sincere people.
23. I am motivated by schedules and love planning.
24. I love crossing things off lists.
25. I love talking on the phone.
26. I love animals, but do not want a pet.
27. I hate concerts: they're too loud, too dark, and too people-filled.
28. I do not always wear sunscreen.
29. I really dig my family!
30. I like cooking more than I ever thought I would.
31. I have a crush on Sean Bean.
32. My favorite flowers are daisies.
33. I despise grocery shopping.
34. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
35. I want a haircut that I can fluff and go.
36. Autumn is my favorite season.
37. My two nephews inspire me to no end.
38. If I could have any job in the world, I would sing in a musical on Broadway.
39. I am 5 feet, 3.5 inches tall but always round it up to 5'4".
40. I love taking long walks alone.
41. I am extremely expressive with my face.
42. When I read books aloud, I voice and animate the characters.
43. My favorite cold treat is Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
44. My favorite hot treat, besides tea, is my homemade Ginger Carrot Soup.
45. I enjoy outside chores like washing my car, mowing the lawn, gardening, and re-staining the deck...
46. I love people who are on time and become frustrated with those who are late.
47. I have begun to embrace my personal history.
48. I went to Woodstock… and spent a lot of time at Studio 54.
49. Whenever I stop to notice a plane flying overhead, I always wish I were on it.
50. I love starting my day by watching the TODAY show.
51. I love to entertain.
52. I wish I had become an actress.
53. I am addicted to a few select Websites.
54. Blogging is much easier for me than keeping a journal.
55. I love the Internet and do not know how I functioned without it.
56. I can be very nostalgic and sentimental.
57. I am OK with life's occasional good-bye's. (Probably a throw back from my days as a foster child.)
58. I think I would make a fantastic interviewer because I am notoriously curious!
59. I will turn off a show or movie I am enjoying if I hate the commercials supporting it.
60. I suck at crossword puzzles and scrabble. It is a tremendous source of embarrassment to me.
61. I find a bad movie unforgivable.
62. I dream of owning and running a Bed and Breakfast to satisfy my love of entertaining.
63. I am currently writing a terrific story.
64. I like supporting locally-owned establishments.
65. I always try to use proper grammar, and I never feel that I have adequately succeeded.
66. I believe in stereotypes.
67. I favor organic foods.
68. I love teaching myself things that intimidate me (HTML) and feel proud when I master it.
69. I have a storage unit full of things that I have not seen in 10 years. (However, it is organized perfectly.)
70. I love email.
71. I love being at a stadium to watch sports (especially soccer and B-ball), but hate watching games on TV. Except for hockey. I detest hockey all the time!
72. I love being productive.
73. I love writing, even when I am writing lists about what to write!
74. I am desperately unhappy with where our country is headed.
75. I am so terrified of going to the dentist that I need to tranquilizers for 2 days before I go.
76. I love all things Celtic.
77. I dream of someday living in a cottage in the Scottish Highlands.
78. I will never have plastic surgery.
79. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I know I once lived in Scotland.
80. I have recently committed to write 500 words a day.
81. I love the OUTLANDER Series by Diana Gabaldon.
82. I always have music playing and it usually acts as a soundtrack.
83. I love little shops and quaint villages with little family owned shops and detest mall shopping.
84. I never pay full retail for anything!
85 I can squeeze a dollar until the eagle cries!
86. I volunteer my time and skills whenever I can.

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