Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008


In accordance to the rules of tagging, I'm to tell seven things about myself that you might not know. Here's my list:

1.  I'm shy.  You probably can't tell because I enjoy internetting, blogging, forum conversation, and chats.  They afford a sense of anonymity that I find comfortable.  In real life, however, I feel boring and uninteresting and I stop myself from asking the questions that fill my head (perpetually) for fear of sounding more like an interrogator than an interested friend.  (Henceforth, I R a writer).

2.  Steve hates watching TV with me because I talk back to the screen.  Lately, though, I can report that he has begun to holler at the characters, comedians, and gossip, er, I mean news folks.  I, on the other hand, being far superior and infinitely more cerebral, *chortle* typically offer my two cents to the writers of the rubbish (and quietly pity the poor, poor actors who are faced with the daunting task of bringing the poorly written, underdeveloped characters to life.  LOL!)

3.  I am writing a book.  This is a recent development, and it came along much like my accidental shopkeeper career.  I'm letting serendipity guide me in my choice of careers these days.  (Geeze, I better develop my characters well or someone like me will be yipping a bit!)

4.  I grew up in foster care, and was adopted when I was nine.  I have 1 adopted sister who is younger than me and 12 foster brothers and sisters varying in ages and relationships.  That leaves me a person without a clear path, someone who meanders through life.  *Insert violin solo here* Are we starting to see a pattern yet?

5.  I am a triple Scorpio.  I do not get angry about much, but when I do... uh, that is to say, when I get riled up about something, there is simply no shutting me down.  Injustice does it...   My latest vendeta is against the media for their shabby, shoddy, slothful, libellous reporting.  The election reporting has gotten my dander up but (I must confess) it came to a head with the completely irresponsible accusational reports on Heath Ledger after his too-soon demise.  It was uncalled-for and pushed me over the edge.  

6.  I am a cancer survivor.  (HA!  The media has no idea who they are dealing with!)

7.  When I was growing up, my friends dubbed me the Queen of Popcorn because that's the only food I knew how to cook. When Steve and I decided to co-habitate, my friends threw me a recipe party so he wouldn't have to eat popcorn at every meal.   (Turns out, popcorn is his favorite thing!  Ain't life grand?)

Monday, January 7, 2008


All right, well, I have committed to writing 500 words a day and almost forgot already. Not too promising, is it?

In keeping with my resolutions, I started early today, digging into the task of clearing out my office. Having had a mouse, I decided that I need to wash the entire place down with peppermint soap. Starting with my bookcases, because that is where my treasures are, I ceremoniously made my way around the room clearing shelves, dusting, wiping and washing, being sure to turn over the shelves to keep them from bowing. I know it sounds dreadfully boring, but it wasn't.

The ritual of it became mindless soon enough and I was able to let my thoughts drift away.

The cleaning afforded a sense of accomplishment and purging is always uplifting and liberating. The menthol quality of peppermint scent opened up my breathing. Instead of tiring as I moved through the task, I became invigorated and creative. The whole thing really turned me on. I love the way the room looks now and have been meandering into the office all day long just to admire it. How satisfying.

First thing in the morning, I'll get some fresh flowers for my desk.

This is the first year in quite a long time that I have actually made a list of resolutions. I guess that's because it's the first year I have had the time to think about it long enough to realize I really need to make a few serious changes.

Like everyone else on the planet, I have been sitting too much and need to get more active. I allowed the onset of menopause and the aches and pains that accompanied it to excuse me from exercising and walking – and it shows! Not just in my physique, but also in my attitude and luster. Can't have that. I'm not ready to be old yet.

I actually started walking on New Year's Eve just to feel in control and I am already increasing my distance and picking up the pace. It feels really good, especially in the cold. And I feel good about doing it.

Another commitment I have made is to drink more water. I drink a lot of liquid, juice, tea, coffee, even some soda, but had, somewhere along the line, shelved my knowledge of the importance of ingesting a decent amount every day of cool, clear water. I have no explanation for that; it just happened.

I know you expect me to write that I need to write more. Nope. Not gonna do that. I need to write less. Well, actually, I need to schedule my writing time better. I have responsibilities besides writing and must give them their fair due.

My family wants more from me than they are getting and it has indeed been bothering me for quite some time. (Catching the virus really opened my eyes to that, and I am grateful.) My family is happier, and that is everything to me. Don't let anyone give you that bullshit about not being able to do everything. We can do it. It just takes thought and preparation. I am doing it and everything is working better. The results are, uh, new and improved.

I have committed to write 500 words daily.
I have committed to learn something new every day.
I have committed to learn a new recipe each week.
I have committed to pursuing my photography.
I have committed to traveling more this year.
I am thinking about committing to voice lessons again. (As I am aging, my voice is changing and I need some coaching.)
I have committed to having lunch with friends once a week.
I have committed to inviting friends and family over for dinner instead of eating out whenever we get together.
I have committed to stepping out of my comfort zone more…

Not a bad start, right?
Bring it on '08!

W/C 654

Saturday, January 5, 2008

You say you want a resolution...

Here's 1.  Learn something new every day.
Today I am learning how to post to blogger from my email account.  If this works, I will have been successful.  If it does not... well, we won't think about that.

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."   – e. e. cummings